Thursday, September 3, 2009

Standing Room Only!

Yes, it was! Thank you to all the parents and teachers who attended the CWP meeting Tuesday night. It took a very long time to push through all of the items in the agenda, but we made it before 8 p.m. and survived. Thank you for your patience and for participating in the meeting. We received many wonderful ideas that we are moving forward with!

Please look for the minutes of the meeting to be posted on the blog soon. If you can't wait, feel free to give any parent involved with the CWP a ring on the phone.

We'll see you at Movie Night!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Meeting Agenda for September 1st

Following is the agenda for our September 1st meeting. We encourage all parents to attend and be a part of CWP!

September 1, 2009
Meeting Agenda

Explanation of Communication Tools (Blog, Forum, and Facebook) - Tyann Marcink
Update on TREND providing childcare – Tinecia Schuttenberg
Update from CCT on room parents and parties – Amber Eads
Update on field trips - Teachers
Financial update – Julie Duvall
Update on Movie Night and pass out sign-up sheets for concessions – Traci Canby
Need volunteer for Public Relations (press releases and photo ops) - Tyann Marcink
Need library volunteers - Dr. Stephens
Kiwanis Circus – Tyann Marcink
Signature Fundraiser – Donnie Schuttenberg
Update on Fall Festival and pass out sign-up sheets – Donnie Schuttenberg
Holiday Boutique sign-ups and need a chair(s) - Tinecia Schuttenberg
Trivia Night sign-ups - Tyann Marcink
Open question and answer

Sunday, August 30, 2009

September Newsletter

The CWP September Newsletter went home with students last Thursday. In case you did not receive it or have misplaced it, here it is (just click on the image, and you will see the full version as a pdf)!

Don't forget to come to the meeting Tuesday night at 6 p.m. We would love to have you there!