Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November Minutes

Central Wildcat Pride
Meeting Minutes
November 3, 2009
The meeting was called to order by Tyann.  Tyann thanked everyone for coming and asked Julie to give the treasurer report.
Julie stated that there was no expenses for the fall festival.  We did give each custodian $20.00 for cleaning up since it was a Friday night.  We have about $12,400.00 in the account to help with the teacher money and field trips.  We spent $1266.00 for the Kindergartners and $384.00 so far for the 2nd graders.  We have not gotten all the invoices yet for their field trip.  It was decided that we have enough money to go ahead and purchase one smart board for the school.  When we get more money we can purchase additional items.
Next, Donnie and Krista talked about the fall festival.  Again there was no cost to CWP for the festival.  Everything was donated so they thanked everyone again for all the donations and help.  The 50/50 raffle brought in $ 120.00, the cake walk $210.25, The pumpkins that the teachers helped with brought in around $55.00.  They forgot to keep track of which teachers had what money so we will be giving all of the money to the teachers instead of splitting it as discussed before.  Admissions brought in $529.00.  Our part is $710.00.  Donnie stated that we will be doing a fall festival again since it was a great turnout.
Tyann stated that the Angel Tree program had information going home with the students that day. 
Amanda stated that the Holiday Boutique will be December 17 in the gym.  We will be keeping the format the same as previous years for the teachers.  We will be spicing it up a little adding music and decorations.  There will be a letter going home with the students regarding donations of items that will be needed.  This letter will be sent out after the Angel Tree gift are to be returned. 
Tyann talked about Trivia Night which will be in January.  The location will be in Central's cafeteria.  There will be up to 12 people to a table and the cost is $100.00 per table.  This is a fundraiser event and is intended to cover the cost of the field trips.  We will be auctioning off teachers to help a table during a round of their choice.  The money raised will be split with all the teachers that are helping that night.  We will also be doing a 50/50 raffle and be selling mulligans.  Players can bring their own refreshments, but there will be items for sell.   A letter will be put on the Central Wildcat Pride website to give to possible sponsors and players, you will be able to print it out and give out to them.
Tyann asked if anyone had any more ideas for future family fun nights.  Bingo, Donkey Ball and another movie night were suggested.
Julie suggested that we do something for the students that will start the MAP testing.  It was suggested that we do some sort of refreshments for them.
Field trips for the 1 and 3rd grades have not been decided at this time.
Tyann thanked everyone for coming and the meeting was adjourned.