Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Watch The Difference We Made!

Check out this customized Box Tops video Mrs. Stackle made for our school. It’s a fun, inspiring way to celebrate all the good your clipping (and clicking) did last year – and how we can do even more this year. Please share this video with your friends and family! Each person who views our school’s video before November 15th can enter for a chance to win 5,000 Bonus Box Tops! Another simple way to make a big difference.

Just cut and past it into your web browser and take a peak!

You can pick up the Box Top forms in the office.

Also, you will find the news letter that went home with students this week.

Oct. 19th we are having a 2nd and 3rd grade skate night at Skaterz from 6:00 to 7:30.

Aaron Jones
Principal, Central Elementary

Sunday, October 3, 2010

October meeting agenda

Meeting is Tuesday, October 5th at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria.

Just a couple things we need to cover…

Update on the amount of money made from the fundraiser

Help during pick-up on Oct 19th

Fall Festival update

Fall parties dates - Nov. 23 in the afternoon

Angel tree dates-
*This came from Michelle Prewitt-
I wanted to give you an update on the Giving Tree (Angel Tree) that Lisa Braun and I do every year. Both Lisa and I have daughters that dance on Tuesday evenings that conflict with CWP meetings. As of right now I have already made contact with Social Services and they are getting the ball rolling. Since we are doing the Giving Tree (Angel Tree) at Central and Clark Vitt we wanted to run some dates by you. We were looking at November 16 and November 17 for the students to choose their angels and then December 1 and December 2 for the students to return their gifts. These dates are around the dates we chose last year and they seemed to work well.
Thank you Michelle!

See you there!
Aaron Jones
Principal, Central Elementary