Wednesday, September 8, 2010



Parents if you are dropping off your child and they are eating breakfast here at school, could you please have them here by 7:30 so they have enough time to eat and be in class by 7:50.

Last Night’s CWP meeting:

They will be giving $5.00 per child to each grade level to help offset the cost of field trips.

Family Movie Night is scheduled for this Friday night rain or shine. If it does rain we will move it into the gym.

The Fall Festival is on track for October 22nd.

Soccer Goals - Mr. Fennessey is working with a few people to make some soccer goals for the upper playground. He asked if the CWP could help with any cost in this project.

The next CWP meeting is October 5th at 6:00 PM.

Aaron Jones
Principal, Central Elementary

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tonight's Meeting Agenda

CWP 9/7/10

Fieldtrips - $5.00 per student like last year
Fundraiser kicked off Friday the 3rd – Help for pick-up on the 23rd at 4:00
Movie night update -
Mascot costume - on hold (we want to cover field trips first)
Fall Fest update
T-shirts - We are working on the slogan and design - Mollie said she will help put this together.