Wednesday, December 2, 2009

CWP December Meeting Minutes

*Amanda Bequette was unable to attend the meeting, so Tyann Marcink took notes.

- Everyone was welcomed by Tyann Marcink.

- Julie Duvall, treasurer, reported there is currently $11, 648.92 in the CWP account. The 2nd grade field trip total paid out was $942.00, and the K field trip pay out was $1010.00 (figure was misreported last month). After deducting the 1st and 3rd grade field trips and the remainder of the teacher payouts, there is possibly enough to purchase another SmartBoard and projector for the teachers next month. This will be looked at again at the January meeting and voted upon at that time.

Julie said there have been several emails sent to her questioning the amount each CWP activity has to spend. The group discussed that there is no set amount for each activity, that it just depends on the type of activity, as some events have costs involved and other events do not have costs. If there is an activity or event being organized, then the organizers need to attend a CWP meeting and request the funds needed for the event.

The mounting cost of paper, specifically the red paper for the newsletters, was discussed. Julie may have found a way to purchase red paper by the case and save approximately 50% from the current cost of purchasing the paper in reams from Quality Copy. The teachers highly recommended keeping the newsletters on red paper so that the communication does not get lost as easily in the stacks of papers that are sent home with the students. The group voted and decided to keep the newsletters on red paper and to continue that expense.

- Teacher representatives said that 3rd grade has decided on the Science Center for their field trip and that 1st grade is still discussing it but have the Earth Classroom at the top of the list. Dates are to be determined. CWP will pay out $5 per child for the field trips, same as K and 2nd grade field trips.

- Angel Tree committee was unable to attend to give an update. Gifts for the angels are due to school by December 3rd.

- Kasey Straatmann reported on the Holiday Boutique progress. The committee is making the boutique area in the gym more festive and have permission to play fun Christmas music during the time. 3rd graders are making gift bags in art class, which help out with the gift wrapping. They have received a $50 gift card from Wal-Mart and plan to purchase men's gifts with it. They are also asking Target and Dollar Tree for donations.

Brandy McKenzie suggested using pretend dollars this year (aka Boutique Bucks or Santa Bucks) so that students who do not bring in the $2 to shop can still participate without feeling embarrassed. Students have always been allowed to shop, with or without the $2, and this route would be a way for those students to participate without other students knowing who brought in the $2 and who did not. Students would hand in their $2 to the teacher, and then the teacher would give each student the play money before going into the boutique. The money would then be collected from the teachers.

- Tyann Marcink reported on the Trivia Night. The location has been sponsored by local banks and businesses and will be at the City Auditorium. There is no cost to the CWP, and the committee does not anticipate any cost for the event. The committee was also given permission to place a street sign for the drop off / pick up circle drive around school and to auction off the naming rights for one year. Winning bidder may name the drive anything they would like, within reason and with school approval.

- Dr. Stephens suggested doing the pizza fundraiser again this year, as it raised approximately $3,000 last year. After more discussion, CWP decided to let the teachers do the pizza fundraiser while CWP focuses on other projects.

- Julie Duvall and Krista Stranghoener are co-chairs for the Bingo night and decided on Friday, March 12th for the event. Tyann Marcink suggested doing a cookie contest during Bingo, which would then take care of refreshments for the event. She added that winners of the contest could then be published in a Central Elementary cookbook.

- After further discussion of the cookbook idea, Julie Duvall and Tyann Marcink will co-chair a family cookbook and request recipes from the students. Student names will be published with the recipe that they submit. Submissions will begin in January and then include the cookie contest winners. Tyann Marcink will design the cookbook. Artwork for the front and sections will be done by students.

- Julie Duvall suggested putting together goodie bags for the students taking the MAP test in March/April. Ideas for items to include in the bags were granola bars, breakfast bars, and #2 pencils. The teachers thought this was a great idea. CWP will need some co-chairs and volunteers for this activity. Date to be determined.

- Brandy McKenzie suggested having an Egg Hunt for the students and their families in the spring. She will check with the Parks Department when their annual Egg Hunt is scheduled for so that it is not the same day. Brandy will co-chair and will need another co-chair and volunteers to help. Date to be determined.

- Kasey Straatmann suggested creating Central Elementary t-shirts specifically for parents so parents and students do not have the same shirt. She is checking into pricing. Looking at taking ongoing orders and filling the orders every other month or so. Definitely would have order forms available for parents at Open House next August.

- Tyann Marcink thanked everyone for coming.

Monday, November 30, 2009

CWP December Meeting Agenda

CWP Meeting
Tuesday, December 1st
6:00 p.m.

All parents are invited to attend - we hope to see you there!



Welcome – Tinecia Schuttenberg

Treasurer’s Report – Julie Duvall

Committee Updates

Angel Tree – Michelle Prewitt and Lisa Braun

Holiday Boutique – Kasey Straatmann, Amanda Bequette, and Valerie Howland

Trivia Night - Tyann Marcink and Amber Eads

Request for (start thinking about) more event/fundraiser ideas – Tinecia Schuttenberg

Open Discussion

Meeting Close – Tinecia Schuttenberg