Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Homecoming is this Friday!

On Friday, if parents want to pick-up early for the parade or any other reason, they need to pick up before noon. If anyone out of the ordinary is picking up a child early, we need a note to teacher.

We will be sitting along Springfield Avenue by class. Please do not to sit in the roped off sections. Also, please do not try to sit with the classes because it is very hard to distinguish adults that should not be with the classes if we have a lot of non-staff members with the students.
We will dismiss at normal Friday time, however, please be patient as we will probably be running behind due to the festivities!!

I also want to thank everyone for their donations to our recess equipment! The kids are really enjoying all the new balls, the basketball hoop and the play house!

Just a reminder to please refrain from using your cell phones when dropping off or picking up students. We have had one minor finder bender where no one was hurt, but as you know it could have been much worse!

We have also found some cigarette butts around the driveway. If you happen to see any of these could you please help us by picking them up so the students do not find them during recess or any other time.

Aaron Jones
Principal, Central Elementary