Friday, September 23, 2011

Weekly News Letter, Walk-A-Thon papers, Pasta House paper

We had a great week here at Central! The kids have been wonderful and learning a lot with the teachers!

You will find our News Letter, Walk-A-Thon and Pasta House information attached.

We will continue to collect money for the Walk-A-Thon until October 3rd but, if you want the free t-shirt you need to collect 30.00 and turn it in Monday. The t-shirts will be given out the day of the walk, October 6th. The students will have the opportunity to tie-dye the shirts at one of the stations during the walk.
It should be a lot of fun!

Have a great weekend!

Aaron Jones
Principal, Central Elementary

Monday, September 19, 2011

Walk-a-thon Sponsor Collecting Starts Today!

Today the students will be bringing home the information for the Walk-a-thon. They can collext sponors beginning today. Early prizes are given for students who collect at least $30 and turn in by next Monday, September 26th. All sponsor money needs to be turned in by Monday, October 3rd. The Walk-a-thon will be held on Thursday, October 6th.

Please see the following flyer, information sheet, and video (made by our very own Principal Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith - thank you!) for all the details.

I just wanted to give you a projected run down of expenses that we normally do every year. This is not everything but, this is where we start;
Teacher Reimbursements – $6500.00 (approx)
Field Trips - 4000.00 (approx)
Field Day - 400.00
Insurance - 275.00
TOTAL $11175.00

The Money Savers Card program will also be starting in a couple weeks. This is put on by the District’s Foundation Group. The Foundation’s money goes towards grants for teachers and students.

Thanks for your support!
Aaron Jones
Principal, Central Elementary