Friday, November 5, 2010

November meeting follow up

Angel Tree - Kids pick-up Angels on Nov 16th and 17th.

Christmas Boutiques - We are planning for this to happen on Dec 16th and if needed the 17th.

After we see what type of donations are brought in, CWP will help supplement the cost of extra gifts.

Chuck E Cheese - 3 trips November 30th, Dec 1st, and Dec 7th.

We are looking into the possibility of getting a couple trees for the back playground to add some shade to the area.

We are also looking at different ideas for equipment on the playground areas.

Aaron Jones
Principal, Central Elementary

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Family Reading Night - Friday, November 5th

Union Family Reading Night, Friday
November 5th
at Union High School

Again this year, the Union High School Drama Class will be doing dramatic presentations of picture books. FREE books to the first 130 kids in attendance. The author presenter this year is Steve Murrie, author of Every Minute on Earth, Planet Earth: Guide to the Planets, Up Close!, and The First Book of Seconds. Check them out at the Library!

Information on family reading and literacy will be available Fill out a Family Reading Contract and get a chance to win a gift basket!

Missouri Building Block Picture Book Award nominees read by special guest readers, fun crafts, and kids vote for their favorite Building Block book!

sponsored by: Scenic Regional Library, and Union R-XI