Friday, December 17, 2010

Central Elementary Shirts

We just wanted to make you aware that as of lunch time we have not received the shirts and pants. We are still expecting them in today, however we will not have time to hand them out to the students. We are planning on sending them home Monday afternoon. Please let us know if you want us to keep your order in the office instead of sending them with the students.

Central Elementary

Sunday, December 5, 2010

CWP Meeting this Tuesday

We have a meeting scheduled for Tuesday evening, the 7th, at 6pm in the cafeteria. Items that need to be covered are:

Final Touches on Holiday Boutique

Plans for family activities for 2nd semester

Other ideas?

Aaron Jones
Principal, Central Elementary

Friday, November 5, 2010

November meeting follow up

Angel Tree - Kids pick-up Angels on Nov 16th and 17th.

Christmas Boutiques - We are planning for this to happen on Dec 16th and if needed the 17th.

After we see what type of donations are brought in, CWP will help supplement the cost of extra gifts.

Chuck E Cheese - 3 trips November 30th, Dec 1st, and Dec 7th.

We are looking into the possibility of getting a couple trees for the back playground to add some shade to the area.

We are also looking at different ideas for equipment on the playground areas.

Aaron Jones
Principal, Central Elementary

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Family Reading Night - Friday, November 5th

Union Family Reading Night, Friday
November 5th
at Union High School

Again this year, the Union High School Drama Class will be doing dramatic presentations of picture books. FREE books to the first 130 kids in attendance. The author presenter this year is Steve Murrie, author of Every Minute on Earth, Planet Earth: Guide to the Planets, Up Close!, and The First Book of Seconds. Check them out at the Library!

Information on family reading and literacy will be available Fill out a Family Reading Contract and get a chance to win a gift basket!

Missouri Building Block Picture Book Award nominees read by special guest readers, fun crafts, and kids vote for their favorite Building Block book!

sponsored by: Scenic Regional Library, and Union R-XI

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall Festival and Soldier Care Packages

Tomorrow is the Fall Festival at Central Elementary!
5:30 pm to 8:00 pm
$1 admission for ages 10 and under
Free for all others

Games, Cake Walk, Costume Contest, Food, and more!

Also, our student council is collecting items to send to our soldiers overseas. Please bring something to their booth at the Fall Festival tomorrow evening. Following is a list of items that can be sent in the packages:

Travel Sizes Only, No Aerosols, and Nothing That Will Melt. Troops have little storage and must carry 50 lb + in gear. The smaller the items the better. THINK CAMPING!
Baby Wipes (Used for bathing in lieu of showers)
Laundry Soap (Small Single-Load Packs, Trial Sizes, or 'Tablets')
Liquid, Bar, or Waterless Soap
Shampoo, Conditioner
Lotion (Tube Only) (For rough, dry skin)
Sunblock, Aloe Vera
Hand Sanitizer
Liquid Body Wash (Used also for shaving)
Deodorant (Roll-On or Gel Only)
Shaving Cream (Non-Aerosol Only)
Eye Drops (Relieves irritation from sand)
Saline Spray/Drops (Sensitive nasal passages)
Kleenex (Individual Packs)
Toilet Paper (1” x 4”)
Q-Tips (Travel Packs) (Used to clean ears and guns)
Feminine Hygiene Products, Tampax
Disposable Razors (2-5 Pack)
Baby Powder, Foot Powder (Used on body and in boots to keep dry)
Dr. Scholls Moleskin (Pads for sore feet)
Blistex, Vaseline, Carmex (Squeeze Tube)
Toothpaste, Toothbrush
Dental Floss/Picks

MAG Lite (Flashlight), Bulbs and Batteries
Insect Repellent (Deet) (Pump Action or Towelettes)
Hand Warmers
Writing Paper, Envelopes, Pens
Games and Puzzles (Hand Held)
DVD’s and CD’s (Movies and Music)
Hand/Foot Warmers

Travel Sizes Only, No Aerosols, No Pork, and Nothing That Will Melt

Chips - Doritos, Pringles, Corn and Potato Snacks (2-3 oz. Plastic Containers or Individual Snack Packs)
Dips (9 oz. Plastic Containers or Cans)
Trail Mix, Poppycock, Butter Toffee (Popcorn) (7-8 oz. Snack Packs)
Crackers, Cookies, Power Bars (12 oz. or Individual Snack Packs)
(Cheese and Crackers, Peanut Butter and Crackers)
Cereal (Individual Boxes or Plastic Cups)
Cheese (Plastic Squeeze Container)
Fruit and Nuts (6-8 oz. Dried or Canned Snack Packs)
(Apricots, Bananas, Cherries, Mixed Fruit,
Peaches, Pineapple, Rasins)
Pudding, Jell-O (Squeeze Tube or Snack Packs)
Soups (15 oz. Plastic Containers) (Campbell’s Soup at Hand)
Lasagna, Ravioli, Spaghetti, Mac & Cheese, Chili, Beef Stew, Chicken n’ Dumplins, Noodles & Chicken (7-15 oz. Plastic Containers) (Chef Boyardee/Nalleys)
Chicken, Turkey, Salmon, Tuna (7 oz. Easy Open Packs) (Chicken of the Sea/Bumble Bee)
Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Apple Cider, Powdered Drinks (Individual Servings) (Chrystal Light, Kool Aid, Country Time, Smuckers, Capri Sun)
Spices (Sweet, Sour, Spicy, etc. - Tabasco, Season Salt)
Sugar (Packs) and Creamers)
MRE’s (Meals Ready to Eat) become bland (boring) over time and need flavoring
Gum, Lifesavers, Hard Candy

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Watch The Difference We Made!

Check out this customized Box Tops video Mrs. Stackle made for our school. It’s a fun, inspiring way to celebrate all the good your clipping (and clicking) did last year – and how we can do even more this year. Please share this video with your friends and family! Each person who views our school’s video before November 15th can enter for a chance to win 5,000 Bonus Box Tops! Another simple way to make a big difference.

Just cut and past it into your web browser and take a peak!

You can pick up the Box Top forms in the office.

Also, you will find the news letter that went home with students this week.

Oct. 19th we are having a 2nd and 3rd grade skate night at Skaterz from 6:00 to 7:30.

Aaron Jones
Principal, Central Elementary

Sunday, October 3, 2010

October meeting agenda

Meeting is Tuesday, October 5th at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria.

Just a couple things we need to cover…

Update on the amount of money made from the fundraiser

Help during pick-up on Oct 19th

Fall Festival update

Fall parties dates - Nov. 23 in the afternoon

Angel tree dates-
*This came from Michelle Prewitt-
I wanted to give you an update on the Giving Tree (Angel Tree) that Lisa Braun and I do every year. Both Lisa and I have daughters that dance on Tuesday evenings that conflict with CWP meetings. As of right now I have already made contact with Social Services and they are getting the ball rolling. Since we are doing the Giving Tree (Angel Tree) at Central and Clark Vitt we wanted to run some dates by you. We were looking at November 16 and November 17 for the students to choose their angels and then December 1 and December 2 for the students to return their gifts. These dates are around the dates we chose last year and they seemed to work well.
Thank you Michelle!

See you there!
Aaron Jones
Principal, Central Elementary

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Homecoming is this Friday!

On Friday, if parents want to pick-up early for the parade or any other reason, they need to pick up before noon. If anyone out of the ordinary is picking up a child early, we need a note to teacher.

We will be sitting along Springfield Avenue by class. Please do not to sit in the roped off sections. Also, please do not try to sit with the classes because it is very hard to distinguish adults that should not be with the classes if we have a lot of non-staff members with the students.
We will dismiss at normal Friday time, however, please be patient as we will probably be running behind due to the festivities!!

I also want to thank everyone for their donations to our recess equipment! The kids are really enjoying all the new balls, the basketball hoop and the play house!

Just a reminder to please refrain from using your cell phones when dropping off or picking up students. We have had one minor finder bender where no one was hurt, but as you know it could have been much worse!

We have also found some cigarette butts around the driveway. If you happen to see any of these could you please help us by picking them up so the students do not find them during recess or any other time.

Aaron Jones
Principal, Central Elementary

Friday, September 17, 2010

Updated Newsletter

Click picture to view larger...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010



Parents if you are dropping off your child and they are eating breakfast here at school, could you please have them here by 7:30 so they have enough time to eat and be in class by 7:50.

Last Night’s CWP meeting:

They will be giving $5.00 per child to each grade level to help offset the cost of field trips.

Family Movie Night is scheduled for this Friday night rain or shine. If it does rain we will move it into the gym.

The Fall Festival is on track for October 22nd.

Soccer Goals - Mr. Fennessey is working with a few people to make some soccer goals for the upper playground. He asked if the CWP could help with any cost in this project.

The next CWP meeting is October 5th at 6:00 PM.

Aaron Jones
Principal, Central Elementary

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tonight's Meeting Agenda

CWP 9/7/10

Fieldtrips - $5.00 per student like last year
Fundraiser kicked off Friday the 3rd – Help for pick-up on the 23rd at 4:00
Movie night update -
Mascot costume - on hold (we want to cover field trips first)
Fall Fest update
T-shirts - We are working on the slogan and design - Mollie said she will help put this together.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Central Update...GO WILDCATS!!!

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to thank everyone that brought in balls and toys for the students to use at recess. We are dividing them out to get them into circulation.

Tomorrow the students will be bringing home their Signature Fundraiser Booklets. Please take the opportunity to look them over and see if there is anything you can use : )

We are also starting to see some problems with the "silly bracelets." We have not banned them yet, but please remind your child to wear them correctly or leave them at home. If they are being worn incorrectly, we will need to take them away from the student for the parent to pick up.


Next Friday, September 10th is Family Movie Night!

Enjoy the long weekend!
Aaron Jones
Principal, Central Elementary

Monday, August 30, 2010

Request for Help!

Central is looking for some help!

Do you like to go to garage sales? Do you have things in your basement that the students can play with one the playground?

We are looking for balls and any of the Little Tykes plastic outdoor equipment for the kids to use.
All items will be checked for safety before they will be put to use.

Our CWP has playground equipment as one of the things we are going to purchase this year, but that will not happen until after the fundraiser, which will not be finalized until October or November.


Aaron Jones
Principal, Central Elementary

Monday, August 23, 2010

Note on Morning Drop-offs

Hello Parents!

What a fun and exciting first week of school we have had! I would like to thank everyone for their patience when it comes to drop-off and pick-up. Even when the fire alarm goes off !

We are always looking for ways to speed the process up while continuing to keep the students safety at the highest level. A couple of things we are going to do for the morning process is:
  • allow kids into the building at 7:15.
  • at 7:40 we are going to open a second lane around the flag pole for drop-offs. The only problem with this is we can’t slow down the busses. In this lane we will need parents to pull up as far as possible (all the way to the end of the edge of the sidewalk that is painted blue) and to have everyone along the sidewalk allow their children out of the car.
  • the best way to not have to wait in line is to be here before 7:25!!

A reminder, school is starting at 7:50 this year. If you arrive after 7:50 you will need to park and bring your student into the building.

Aaron Jones
Principal, Central Elementary

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Letter from district concerning bus changes

Below is a letter that is coming home with your child today. Please review it so there are no issues that come up that put us all in a bind.

The first day has been great!!

Please be patient with dismissal!

Aaron Jones
Principal, Central Elementary

Dear Parents of students who ride the bus,

Student safety is the primary concern when it comes to transporting our students. In that regard we want to go over some general safety issues that may arise in the upcoming year.
Changing the bus or destinations in which your child will ride in the afternoon.

• Some parents have set routines; everyday your child rides the same bus to the same location. That is great, because the driver knows that student and where he/she lives and this is a safe situation for the child.

• Some parents have set routines also that may differ than that above, for example a child may ride bus “A” on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, while on Wednesday and Friday the child rides bus “B”. As long as this is a set pattern, this is also great because the drivers knows that student and where he/she lives or where he/she needs to be dropped off and this is a safe situation for the child.

• A big safety concern however is; when the schools get phone calls saying that a child needs to ride a different bus to a different location. This causes concern because:

1. The child may not know where he/she is going thus confusing the child and he/she may get off at a wrong location because the driver may not know the child.

2. We cannot be 100% sure that the person making the phone call has the authority to make that change for the child.

3. It becomes very confusing for the school and our students at dismissal time trying to make sure what bus the child is supposed to ride. When there is confusion, a child may not know what he/she is supposed to do.

NEW PROCEDURES for the Safety of our Students:

1. We ask that if there will be a change, we receive either a hand written note with a signature, a fax with a signature, or an e-mail with a PDF with a written signature. We must receive this change no less than 24 hours in advance.

2. We do realize that there will be emergencies; however, these should be limited and will be handled on a case by case basis.

We understand this may take more planning, but it is for the safety and welfare of all of our children. We want to ensure every child is dropped off at the proper location with the appropriate supervision.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation as we try and make changes for the safety of all the children of the Union R-XI School District.

Steve Bryant, Superintendent
Union R-XI School District

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I just wanted to say thank you to all of the families that were able to attend last night's Open House. It was wonderful to meet many of you and your children. I can tell this is going to be a wonderful year!

Tomorrow is the big day! We start at 7:50!!

See you then!
Aaron Jones
Principal, Central Elementary

Monday, August 16, 2010

Just a reminder...

Central Elementary will have Open House tomorrow night from 5:00 to 6:30 for Kindergarten and 1st grade. 2nd and 3rd grade will be from 6:30 to 8:00.

The first day of school is Thursday the 19th. School will start at 7:50!!

Friday is our first early out day. Students will be released at 1:50 every Friday.

Aaron Jones
Principal, Central Elementary

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Central Wildcat Pride Meeting 8/10/10

Discuses open house

We have the ice cream cups ordered through the school cafeteria (so no scooping necessary) We will just need help handing them out.
From 5:00 to 6:15 the 2nd and 3rd grade teachers will take half hour shifts to help with ice cream.
6:15 to 6:45 special teachers and parents will hand out the ice cream.
6:45 to 8:00 K and 1st grade teachers will hand out the ice cream.

We have representatives from both fundraisers (CWP's and school's) that are bringing samples.

Movie night update- Tracy Canby
date Sept 10th
Movie “UP”
Start at 7:30
Talking with C&R Sound about showing the movie
.50 popcorn .50 drinks to help with cost of show
Balloon theme.

fundraiser update- Donnie Schuttenberg
Chris Downs from Signature came to the meeting to set dates and talk to the group.
Discussed incentive for selling 20 items = limo ride to Chucky Cheese
Kick-off- Sept 3rd
Ends Sept 16th

Carnival update- Donnie
Oct. 22
5 to 8 pm
Teacher can enter the pumpkin contest if they want
Lots of fun activities

Mrs. Assareh asked about buying PAWS-itive award for our students.
It is a go!!

Mr. Jones
Central Elementary

Monday, August 9, 2010

CWP meeting tomorrow

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder, we have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow night at 6:00. Dr. Hope has a meeting scheduled in the cafeteria for 7:00 that I will need to attend. So, I want to be efficient and get through everything we need too.

Things to do...
Discuses open house
We have the ice cream cups ordered through the school cafeteria (so no scooping necessary) We will just need help handing them out. We have representatives from both fundraisers (CWP's and school's) that are bringing samples.

Movie night update
fundraiser update
carnival update

open for questions

Aaron Jones
Principal- Central Elementary

Thursday, July 29, 2010

July Meeting Notes

News from Central Wildcat Pride...

The Central Wildcat Pride met on July 13th here at Central.

Thing that were discussed:

Open House dates
Aug. 17tt from 5 to 6:30 pm k and 1st grade- 6:30 to 8pm 2nd and 3rd grade.
(ice cream or cookies?) Parents serve so teachers can mingle and rotate to work in their rooms.
We are looking for parents that would be interested in serving during part of this time. Please reply if you are interested in helping out.

Signature Fundraising group will have samples at Open House.

Room Parents - Teachers will be in charge of getting and working with their room parents.

Fundraisers - Choices, dates and spending
The CWP held one major fundraise last year using Signature Fundraising Source. We are going to do this same fundraiser this fall. We would like to add playground equipment to the small playground in the back of Central.

LAST YEAR- these are the activities that were held 1st semester and who the contact were for the activity. Those people will be asked if they would like to “head” it up again, but we are ALWAYS LOOKING FOR HELP.

Movie Night - Traci Canby- has agreed to head this up again this year.
Fall Festival - Donnie Schuttenberg and Krista Stranghoener
Signature Fundraiser - Donnie Schuttenberg
Angel Tree - Michelle Prewitt and Lisa Braun
Holiday Boutique - Kasey Straatmann, Valerie Howland, and Amanda Bequette

We will look at 2nd semester activates as we get closer to that time.

Communication - We will send an agenda email before meeting and notes from the meeting after they are done. The Facebook and blog will be available if someone wants to keep it up.

All activates need to be for families - cheap if not free
We will not have co-chairs persons. We will continue with activity chairs.
Dates for meeting - the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30.
Money for teachers to use for their classrooms - in the past we have given $125 for classroom teachers and $200 for special teachers - this will continue.

Mr. Jones
Central Elementary

Monday, July 12, 2010

2010 - 2011 School Year...First Meeting Tomorrow Night!

If you haven't put it on your calendar yet, be sure to do so! The first meeting for the CWP 2010 - 2011 school year is TOMORROW.

Tuesday, July 13th
6 p.m.
Central Elementary

Our new principal, Mr. Aaron Jones, will be directing the meeting, so be sure to attend and present any ideas and comments that you have for CWP. If you are unable to make it, don't hesitate to email Mr. Jones at with your input.

All parents are welcome, and we hope to see you there!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

April Meeting Minutes

Julie Duvall reported that the account currently has $11,043.45. Funds that still need to be distributed from that are for 1st and 3rd grade field trips, several teacher allocations, the SmartBoard, MAP snacks, and Teacher Appreciation lunch.

Julie noted that Dr. Stephens is now looking at InterWrite Boards versus the SmartBoard, as the school can get several InterWrites to the cost of one SmartBoard.

Julie also said that CWP stuffed and "hid" nearly 3,000 eggs for the egg hunt. The students enjoyed it immensely. Thank you to the parents and teachers who helped out. Special thank you to the businesses that sponsored the event, including AQM Computer Help.

Donnie Schuttenberg announced that CWP will be sponsoring Teacher Appreciation Week, May 3rd to 7th. A few businesses have given gift certificates and other small items for the teachers. Any other donations are still being sought. He also said that CWP would be sponsoring a catered lunch for the teachers on a to be determined day during that week. Catering would be by C&D Catering, who is his aunt.

The first meeting for the 2010-2011 school year will be Tuesday, July 13th at 6 p.m. at Central Elementary. Any further planning for next year was put on hold since Mr. Jones was unable to attend the meeting.

Monday, April 5, 2010

April Meeting Agenda

Next meeting:

Tuesday, April 6th
6:00 p.m.
Central Elementary cafeteria

We invite ALL parents to attend!

Note: Before the meeting, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., CWP will be assembling the snack bags for the MAP testing. We would be happy to have additional parent volunteers to help! Please contact Traci Canby if you have any questions at 314.915.0074 or email at


- Treasurer's report
- Bingo update
- Egg Hunt update
- MAP snacks update

Next year
- Summer meeting scheduled
- Secretary volunteer
- Teacher allocation
- Field Trip allocation
- Fundraiser options

Open discussion
Meeting Close

Monday, March 29, 2010

MAP snacks

CWP will be assembling snack bags for the students taking the MAP test. If you would like to help, it will be right before the next CWP meeting:

Tuesday, April 6th
5:00 to 6:00 pm
Central Elementary Cafeteria

If you have any questions, please call Traci Canby at 314.915.0074 or email at

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spring Egg Hunt Rescheduled

The Spring Egg Hunt has been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 31st, during school hours. The students will hunt for eggs at each lunch recess.

PARENTS NEEDED! We need help placing eggs on Wednesday morning, from 9 am to 10:30 am. Any help given would be appreciated.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

POSTPONED - Spring Egg Hunt

Due to extenuating circumstances, the Spring Egg Hunt has been postponed until April. Therefore, we will not need parent helpers on Friday evening or Saturday morning for preparation or set up.

However, we will need helpers in April after the new date has been set. We will keep you updated as soon as we have the event rescheduled.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Egg Hunt helpers needed

The Spring Egg Hunt is next week already - yikes! Brandy needs more parents to help with stuffing the eggs and then hiding them before the event. CWP events are only successful with parent involvement, so we encourage you to contact Brandy immediately to help out with this event. Here is her information:

Brandy McKenzie

She needs help at these times:

Stuff and Prepare the Eggs
Friday, March 26th
in the evening, time to be determined
at Central Elementary School

Hide the Eggs and Set Up
Saturday, March 27th
10 am
Central Elementary School

This is another super fun event for the Central Elementary students and family. We hope to see you there!

BINGO! was so much fun!

Students and parents packed out the cafeteria to play Bingo last Friday evening. What a blast it was! Everyone munched on popcorn, sipped sodas, and attempted to keep their sleeves from knocking the beans off their cards.

There were a ton of door prizes given away, two large raffle baskets and a Skaterz birthday party raffled off, and the Blackout winner also received a Skaterz birthday party. Everyone had lots of fun.

Thank you to the parents who organized this event - Krista Stranghoener and Julie Duvall!

And thank you to the businesses who sponsored the event!

Minutes for Meeting, March 2nd

Meeting began with a welcome by Tyann Marcink.

Julie Duvall was absent, so Krista Stranghoener reported for Julie that the only expenditure the past month was one teacher check for $125. Everything else has stayed the same.

Krista said that Bingo Night was on track, and that they have many door prizes from business donations. Skaterz donated two birthday parties. One will be used for a raffle, and the other used for the blackout prize. Cards will be $1 each, and soda and popcorn will be 50 cents each.

Brandy was unable to attend, so Krista reported for her. She is need of parent volunteers for stuffing eggs with candy and prizes, as well as set up on Saturday morning. She is not getting a lot of business sponsors, so she requested if CWP could purchase eggs to make up the difference, most likely around 1,000 more eggs will be needed. The group approved the expenditure.

Tyann reported that Kasey Straatmann is working on getting bids and designs together for the CWP shirts. Anyone with an idea for a design is asked to email it to Kasey at The goal is to have a few shirts available by the first of the school year for parents to purchase. Ongoing orders would be taken and then placed everyo ther month or when a specific number has been reached.

Traci Canby was unable attend, so Tyann reported for her about the MAP goodie bags. Sam's Club has the best prices for cheese sticks, pre sliced apples, granola bars, and oatmeal bars. She is looking for parent helpers each morning.

The group decided that April will be the final meeting for the school year. The first meeting for the 2010-2011 school year will be in August.

Julie Duvall has stated that she would like to remain treasurer for the next school year. If someone would like to help her out and train for the position to take over the following year, she would be happy to do that.

Amanda Bequette was unable to attend, so we do not know if she would like to be secretary next year.

Mr. Jones, the new principal beginning next year and current principal at Clark Vitt, described how the Clark Vitt parent/teacher group worked. He leads the meetings and delegates organizers for events. Tyann asked him to consider how he would like the CWP to run next year.

There was general discussion about the CWP events that were held this past fall, and the consensus was that we would like to do them again if possible.

Dr. Stephens suggested doing an actual Open House in the fall some time so that students could show parents their classrooms, the cafeteria, gym, etc.

Third grade is set to go to the Science Center on May 12th for their field trip. Kindergarten is going to the Earth's Classroom in Rosebud on 3 different days in April and May.

Meeting was adjourned.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Agenda for March 2nd meeting

Make plans to attend the next monthly meeting for CWP!

Tuesday, March 2nd
6 p.m.
Central Elementary cafeteria

Meeting Agenda


Treasurer's report - Julie Duvall

Committee updates
- Bingo – Krista and Julie
- Spring Egg Hunt – Brandy
- Parent Shirts – Kasey
- MAP goodie bags – need co-chairs still!

Are meetings necessary in May, June, or July?

Next year
- Begin looking for
- co-chairs for newsletter/agenda/lead meetings (do Tinecia and Tyann want to continue)
- treasurer to learn for when Julie’s son leaves Central
(verify she wants to continue as treasurer for next year as well)
- secretary (does Amanda want to continue)
- Begin discussing
- Open House
- Movie Night
- Fall Fundraiser

Open Discussion

Meeting Close

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Trivia Night was a great success!

Wow - what a night! We're sorry so many of you missed it, but we had a wonderful time at Trivia Night! And can you guess which team won? Our teachers!!! Central Elementary has the best teachers in the area, and they proved it again Saturday night.

We want to give a special thank you to our business sponsors! We had quite a few area business sponsors and donors, so please be sure to read all the way through this post and then visit their websites and brick and mortar stores, too.

Thank you!

Skaterz, Union

Marcink Designs, Union

Little Elephant Company, Union

Eads Drain Cleaning, Chris Eads, 636.583.2991
N&N Termite and Pest Control, Union
Walmart, Union

The Fudge Shoppe, Washington

(the place to get your Jelly Bellys!)
Sonic, Union
Mobil, More than Convenience, Union
Valvoline Auto Care Express, Union

Maritz Investments, Union

Walgreens, Union

Frick's, Union

Trophie's, T's & More, 636.583.6937, Union
Phillips 66 - Petromart, Union
Leneigha Downs
Pizza Hut
Margo's Florist, Union
Belvia's Blooms, Union
Vallarta Mexican Restaurant, Union
Dairy Queen, Union

Johnny's, Union
Crystal Ice & Fuel, Union

Shades of Gold, Union

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Trivia Night is this Saturday!

You don't want to miss this event!
Call or email today to sign up your team.

Trivia...Teacher Auction...

Name the circle drive around school auction...

comedy and entertainment galore!
See the flier below for the teachers being auctioned off and more information!
636.584.3864 or

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Meeting Minutes

CWP January Meeting Minutes


Tinecia started the meeting by thanking everyone for attending. 


We started with the Angel Tree program.  Tyann thanked everyone for helping.  She said that all the kids had fun doing it.


Tyann stated that their will be a new sign advertising Trivia Night.  So far we have 5 teams that are signed up and an announcement will be going out in the paper.  We have a lot of donations to help us get this event going.


Amanda stated that the Holiday boutique went well.  We did run out of items and had to go and buy more the day of the event. It has been requested that the money raised be saved and used next year to help pay for items since there is non to start off with.  It was said that the Santa dollars were a great success and we plan on using them next year.


The Central Family Cookbooks are still in the planning stages, but it will consist of students bringing in recipes'. 


There was no one to talk about Bingo, but the date is March 12th.


Amber Eads has requested to be chair-person for the MAP testing goodie bags.  This will be for the 3rd graders taking the test.


During open discussion Coach Fennessey requested that the CWP spend $250.00 to help pay for a 9 hole mini golf set.  All present voted and agreed that we will spend the $250.00.  He hopes to have this ready by spring since he will be building this himself.


Julie gave the treasurer report.  The Holiday Boutique brought in $847.28 after expenditures.  Trivia Night is ahead $20.00. Right now we have $11,650.19 with expenditures of around $3600.00.  We should be receiving invoices for 2 smart boards.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Agenda for January 5th meeting

Everyone is welcome to tonight's CWP meeting!
6 p.m.
Central Elementary cafeteria

Here is the agenda:



Treasurer's report - Julie Duvall

Committee updates

Angel Tree - Michelle and Lisa
Holiday Boutique - Valerie, Amanda, and Kasey
Trivia Night - Tyann and Amber
Central Family Cookbooks - Julie and Tyann
Bingo - Krista and Julie
Spring Egg Hunt - Brandy (need a co-chair)
Parent Shirts - Kasey
MAP goodie bags - need co-chairs

Open Discussion

Meeting Close


We look forward to seeing you this evening!