Monday, August 31, 2009

Meeting Agenda for September 1st

Following is the agenda for our September 1st meeting. We encourage all parents to attend and be a part of CWP!

September 1, 2009
Meeting Agenda

Explanation of Communication Tools (Blog, Forum, and Facebook) - Tyann Marcink
Update on TREND providing childcare – Tinecia Schuttenberg
Update from CCT on room parents and parties – Amber Eads
Update on field trips - Teachers
Financial update – Julie Duvall
Update on Movie Night and pass out sign-up sheets for concessions – Traci Canby
Need volunteer for Public Relations (press releases and photo ops) - Tyann Marcink
Need library volunteers - Dr. Stephens
Kiwanis Circus – Tyann Marcink
Signature Fundraiser – Donnie Schuttenberg
Update on Fall Festival and pass out sign-up sheets – Donnie Schuttenberg
Holiday Boutique sign-ups and need a chair(s) - Tinecia Schuttenberg
Trivia Night sign-ups - Tyann Marcink
Open question and answer

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