Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Room Parent Round Table

It's coming! Mark your calendars for the

Room Parent Round Table
Thursday, October 1st
6:30 p.m. at Central Elementary

The room parent packets will be handed out for each class, so if you volunteered to help organize at least one of the room parties for your student(s), please come get the information and meet the other parents for your class.

After the packets are handed out, we'll have a time for parents to ask questions and give ideas for room parties.

If you have not turned in your form and/or $3 to your teacher yet, please do so immediately - we would really appreciate it! CASH ONLY, PLEASE!

A letter to the organizing parents will be going home very soon with this same information. If you have any questions about the Round Table, please don't hesitate to contact Kasey Straatmann at 636.584.0596 or email her at

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