Monday, December 21, 2009

Trivia Night with both a Teacher Auction and Circle Drive Naming Rights Auction

Saturday, January 23rd, at 6:30 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.)
Union City Auditorium
$10 per person, teams of 8 to 10

This event is to raise money for next year’s field trips for the students. The school does not pay for these learning experiences, and CWP believes the field trips are an incredibly important part of our children’s education.

There will be 10 rounds of 10 questions each, with a teacher or staff member auctioned off before each round to help a team for that set of questions.

We will also auction off naming rights of the circle drive around Central Elementary. Winning bidder chooses the name of the circle drive, which will have a sign erected at the street corner soon after. Name will stay in place until the next auction (approximately one year).

Other activities include a 50/50 raffle, a heads and tails game, and mulligans. Zeke, a character created by local comedian Dave Schmitz, will be the guest auctioneer.

You may bring in your own snacks, and CWP will provide soda, coffee, and water. Participants must be age 16 yrs. and older, please.

Teams that sign up before January 9th will be entered into a drawing for a special family gift basket. Basket will include many family items, with the main prize being a family portrait sitting and an 11 x 14 inch photograph, provided by Holly Kommina of Kommina Studio LLC.

Any questions or to sign up, please call Tyann Marcink at 636.584.3864 or email After you sign up, please make your checks payable to CWP and send to the school with your student or mail to:

Central Elementary
CWP Trivia Night
2 E. Springfield Ave.
Union, MO 63084

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

CWP December Meeting Minutes

*Amanda Bequette was unable to attend the meeting, so Tyann Marcink took notes.

- Everyone was welcomed by Tyann Marcink.

- Julie Duvall, treasurer, reported there is currently $11, 648.92 in the CWP account. The 2nd grade field trip total paid out was $942.00, and the K field trip pay out was $1010.00 (figure was misreported last month). After deducting the 1st and 3rd grade field trips and the remainder of the teacher payouts, there is possibly enough to purchase another SmartBoard and projector for the teachers next month. This will be looked at again at the January meeting and voted upon at that time.

Julie said there have been several emails sent to her questioning the amount each CWP activity has to spend. The group discussed that there is no set amount for each activity, that it just depends on the type of activity, as some events have costs involved and other events do not have costs. If there is an activity or event being organized, then the organizers need to attend a CWP meeting and request the funds needed for the event.

The mounting cost of paper, specifically the red paper for the newsletters, was discussed. Julie may have found a way to purchase red paper by the case and save approximately 50% from the current cost of purchasing the paper in reams from Quality Copy. The teachers highly recommended keeping the newsletters on red paper so that the communication does not get lost as easily in the stacks of papers that are sent home with the students. The group voted and decided to keep the newsletters on red paper and to continue that expense.

- Teacher representatives said that 3rd grade has decided on the Science Center for their field trip and that 1st grade is still discussing it but have the Earth Classroom at the top of the list. Dates are to be determined. CWP will pay out $5 per child for the field trips, same as K and 2nd grade field trips.

- Angel Tree committee was unable to attend to give an update. Gifts for the angels are due to school by December 3rd.

- Kasey Straatmann reported on the Holiday Boutique progress. The committee is making the boutique area in the gym more festive and have permission to play fun Christmas music during the time. 3rd graders are making gift bags in art class, which help out with the gift wrapping. They have received a $50 gift card from Wal-Mart and plan to purchase men's gifts with it. They are also asking Target and Dollar Tree for donations.

Brandy McKenzie suggested using pretend dollars this year (aka Boutique Bucks or Santa Bucks) so that students who do not bring in the $2 to shop can still participate without feeling embarrassed. Students have always been allowed to shop, with or without the $2, and this route would be a way for those students to participate without other students knowing who brought in the $2 and who did not. Students would hand in their $2 to the teacher, and then the teacher would give each student the play money before going into the boutique. The money would then be collected from the teachers.

- Tyann Marcink reported on the Trivia Night. The location has been sponsored by local banks and businesses and will be at the City Auditorium. There is no cost to the CWP, and the committee does not anticipate any cost for the event. The committee was also given permission to place a street sign for the drop off / pick up circle drive around school and to auction off the naming rights for one year. Winning bidder may name the drive anything they would like, within reason and with school approval.

- Dr. Stephens suggested doing the pizza fundraiser again this year, as it raised approximately $3,000 last year. After more discussion, CWP decided to let the teachers do the pizza fundraiser while CWP focuses on other projects.

- Julie Duvall and Krista Stranghoener are co-chairs for the Bingo night and decided on Friday, March 12th for the event. Tyann Marcink suggested doing a cookie contest during Bingo, which would then take care of refreshments for the event. She added that winners of the contest could then be published in a Central Elementary cookbook.

- After further discussion of the cookbook idea, Julie Duvall and Tyann Marcink will co-chair a family cookbook and request recipes from the students. Student names will be published with the recipe that they submit. Submissions will begin in January and then include the cookie contest winners. Tyann Marcink will design the cookbook. Artwork for the front and sections will be done by students.

- Julie Duvall suggested putting together goodie bags for the students taking the MAP test in March/April. Ideas for items to include in the bags were granola bars, breakfast bars, and #2 pencils. The teachers thought this was a great idea. CWP will need some co-chairs and volunteers for this activity. Date to be determined.

- Brandy McKenzie suggested having an Egg Hunt for the students and their families in the spring. She will check with the Parks Department when their annual Egg Hunt is scheduled for so that it is not the same day. Brandy will co-chair and will need another co-chair and volunteers to help. Date to be determined.

- Kasey Straatmann suggested creating Central Elementary t-shirts specifically for parents so parents and students do not have the same shirt. She is checking into pricing. Looking at taking ongoing orders and filling the orders every other month or so. Definitely would have order forms available for parents at Open House next August.

- Tyann Marcink thanked everyone for coming.

Monday, November 30, 2009

CWP December Meeting Agenda

CWP Meeting
Tuesday, December 1st
6:00 p.m.

All parents are invited to attend - we hope to see you there!



Welcome – Tinecia Schuttenberg

Treasurer’s Report – Julie Duvall

Committee Updates

Angel Tree – Michelle Prewitt and Lisa Braun

Holiday Boutique – Kasey Straatmann, Amanda Bequette, and Valerie Howland

Trivia Night - Tyann Marcink and Amber Eads

Request for (start thinking about) more event/fundraiser ideas – Tinecia Schuttenberg

Open Discussion

Meeting Close – Tinecia Schuttenberg

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November Minutes

Central Wildcat Pride
Meeting Minutes
November 3, 2009
The meeting was called to order by Tyann.  Tyann thanked everyone for coming and asked Julie to give the treasurer report.
Julie stated that there was no expenses for the fall festival.  We did give each custodian $20.00 for cleaning up since it was a Friday night.  We have about $12,400.00 in the account to help with the teacher money and field trips.  We spent $1266.00 for the Kindergartners and $384.00 so far for the 2nd graders.  We have not gotten all the invoices yet for their field trip.  It was decided that we have enough money to go ahead and purchase one smart board for the school.  When we get more money we can purchase additional items.
Next, Donnie and Krista talked about the fall festival.  Again there was no cost to CWP for the festival.  Everything was donated so they thanked everyone again for all the donations and help.  The 50/50 raffle brought in $ 120.00, the cake walk $210.25, The pumpkins that the teachers helped with brought in around $55.00.  They forgot to keep track of which teachers had what money so we will be giving all of the money to the teachers instead of splitting it as discussed before.  Admissions brought in $529.00.  Our part is $710.00.  Donnie stated that we will be doing a fall festival again since it was a great turnout.
Tyann stated that the Angel Tree program had information going home with the students that day. 
Amanda stated that the Holiday Boutique will be December 17 in the gym.  We will be keeping the format the same as previous years for the teachers.  We will be spicing it up a little adding music and decorations.  There will be a letter going home with the students regarding donations of items that will be needed.  This letter will be sent out after the Angel Tree gift are to be returned. 
Tyann talked about Trivia Night which will be in January.  The location will be in Central's cafeteria.  There will be up to 12 people to a table and the cost is $100.00 per table.  This is a fundraiser event and is intended to cover the cost of the field trips.  We will be auctioning off teachers to help a table during a round of their choice.  The money raised will be split with all the teachers that are helping that night.  We will also be doing a 50/50 raffle and be selling mulligans.  Players can bring their own refreshments, but there will be items for sell.   A letter will be put on the Central Wildcat Pride website to give to possible sponsors and players, you will be able to print it out and give out to them.
Tyann asked if anyone had any more ideas for future family fun nights.  Bingo, Donkey Ball and another movie night were suggested.
Julie suggested that we do something for the students that will start the MAP testing.  It was suggested that we do some sort of refreshments for them.
Field trips for the 1 and 3rd grades have not been decided at this time.
Tyann thanked everyone for coming and the meeting was adjourned. 

Friday, November 6, 2009

Fall Festival was a Huge Hit!

The weather was almost as frightful as some costumes, but the verdict was in before the evening was over...

"I love, love, love it!" commented one little boy, breathless from running.

"This is just awesome!" shouted a little girl on the fly between activities.

Mists of rain and just plain cold didn't keep away our Central Elementary families. Well over 500 parents, children, and family converged upon the school grounds for an evening of fantastic fun.

See the Missourian's photo gallery of pictures.

Thank you to all of our area businesses who contributed to the event!!! To name just a few...
  • United Bank of Union for the popcorn,
  • Union Rental Center for the bright lights,
  • Platt's Nursery for the hayride,
  • St. Clair Fire Department for the the smoke house,
  • Union Furniture for the box maze,
  • and more!
We will post a complete list soon...

And thank you to Donnie Schuttenberg, Krista Stranghoener, and their committee for organizing such a fun family event!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Agenda for November 3rd meeting

***Please note that childcare will be provided during the meeting. Tinecia Schuttenberg has graciously arranged for the TRENDS group to help out with the children. She will also be helping to watch the children if needed.***

Welcome – Tyann Marcink

Treasurer’s Report – Julie Duvall

Committee Wrap ups
Fall Festival
- Donnie Schuttenberg and Krista Stranghoener

Committee Updates
Angel Tree
– Michelle Prewitt and Lisa Braun (Tyann Marcink)
Holiday Boutique – Kasey Straatmann, Amanda Bequette, and Valerie Howland
Trivia Night - Tyann Marcink and Amber Eads

Request for (start thinking about) more event/fundraiser ideas – Tyann Marcink

Field Trip Update - Dr. Stephens or teacher

Open Discussion

Meeting Close – Tyann Marcink

Friday, October 23, 2009

Contact Info for Parent Volunteers

Following is a list of parent volunteers involved in CWP and their contact information. Please note that it is not necessary to be on this list to participate with CWP. Sign up at the right, in the black box, if you would like your contact information added to this list. This list will be updated as parents sign up.
Becky Allmeroth
Marilyn Baggett 314.568.2713
Amanda Bequette (secretary) 314.780.4229
Lisa Braun 636.583.9796
Teresa Burbank
Julie Duvall (treasurer) 636.234.4887
Amber Eads 636.584.7696
Billie Hardester 636.583.4260
Barb Helling 636.583.6581
Sheila Helling 636-583-5846
Hilary Holmes 636.584.2678
Valerie Howland 636.584.0935
Kristi Kee 636-584-4484
Tyann Marcink (co-chair) 636.584.3864
Amy Morgan 636-388-1273
Kellie Perez 636-583-8384
Michelle Prewitt 636.584.8316
Karen Rinne 636.583.2435
Donnie Schuttenberg
Tinecia Schuttenberg (co-chair) 636.584.4752
Kasey Straatmann 636.584.0596
Krista Stranghoener 636.388.1217
Carlene Tenney 636.288.4863
If you would like to be removed from this list, please email Tyann Marcink at Thanks!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October Meeting Minutes

October 2009
The meeting was called to order by Tinicea Schuttenberg at 6:00 pm at Central Elementary. 
Tinicea thanked everyone for coming.  
Valerie Howland said that the Circus tickets raised $162.00 for Central and a picture was taken with the CWP members and the Kiwanis members.
Donnie updated us on movie night. He stated that it was a very good turn out and we only spent $33.00 for the whole event.  What a wonderful time everyone had.
Donnie also updated us on the Signature fundraiser.  The total sales amount was $18,933.30.  Central will get to keep $9,500 to use for our goal items.  He also stated that Signature will be dropping off the orders on November 21, and they will take them off of the trucks and set them up for us. We will only need to be there to give to the parents when they come in and pick them up.
Donnie said that the Signature company will also be donating items for the fall festival.  What a great company!! Thank you Signature.
Next we talked about the different grade field trips.  We gave the kindergarteners $1010.00 which was $5.00 per child.  The 1st graders still had not decided on where they were going for their field trip. The second grade is going to the Magic House and the cost is unknown.  The third graders are going to the Science Center and the cost is unknown at this time as well.
Kasey Straatmann talked about the room parent meeting.  She said that it went well.  All parents were given their folders and everyone that had questions were able to ask.  It should be a good year of fun parties.  
Michelle Pruitt talked about the Angle Tree program.  Students will be able to get a angel on November 11 & 12.  Drop off will be December 2 &3 and NO Gift cards allowed this year.  All angels will be given a present.
Trivia Night will be January 23rd.  Amber Eads and Tyann Marcink will be chairing that event.  There will be 50/50 raffles, teacher auctions and the goal is to raise enough money for the 1st and 3rd grade field trips in the Spring.
Sally Brock has volunteered to help the teachers with copying and mail on Wed. & Friday's.  Thanks Sally!!
The school was wonderful and said that as long as the CWP provides the paper we can use their copier for printing all the newsletters that go out to the students.  This will save the CWP a lot of money this year.
Lastly, Donnie talked about the Fall Festival.  It will be October 23, from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m.  The cost will be $1.00 per child ages 2 and up.  The cake walk and the pumpkin raffle will be $.50 each.  All other activities, games, food and drinks will be free of charge. The goal is for a family fun night and not a fundraiser. Donnie mentioned that a lot of businesses were donating items and that we were getting wonderful support from the community. 
Donnie also asked the teachers to purchase a pumpkin and have the class to decide what to carve.  The teacher will then carve the pumpkin and that pumpkin will be raffled off at the fall festival.  The class that wins will receive half of the winnings. 
Parents were thanked for attending the meeting.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Thank you, Kiwanis!

At the October meeting, the Kiwanis presented the CWP with a check for the $1 per ticket that was sold through school. Thank you to the Kiwanis for the opportunity to partner with them and for giving to the CWP!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tonight is the monthly CWP meeting!

Don't forget to attend!

CWP October Meeting


6 p.m.

Central Elementary Cafeteria

Here is the agenda!


Welcome – Tinecia Schuttenberg

Committee Wrap ups
Circus Tickets - Amber Eads and Valerie Howland
Kiwanis presentation of check and photo op
Movie Night - Traci Canby
Room Parent Round Table – Kasey Straatmann

Committee Updates
Signature Fundraiser – Donnie Schuttenberg
Fall Festival - Donnie Schuttenberg and Krista Stranghoener
Angel Tree – Michelle Prewitt and Lisa Braun
Holiday Boutique – Kasey Straatmann (and request for another chair)
Trivia Night - Tyann Marcink and Amber Eads

Request for (start thinking about) more event/fundraiser ideas – Tinecia Schuttenberg

Need a “go-to” person for making copies and putting them into teacher mailboxes

Field Trip Update - Dr. Stephens or teacher

Open Discussion

Meeting Close – Tinecia Schuttenberg

Forum/Blog help handout and/or meet in the computer lab – Valerie Howland

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Room Parent Round Table

It's coming! Mark your calendars for the

Room Parent Round Table
Thursday, October 1st
6:30 p.m. at Central Elementary

The room parent packets will be handed out for each class, so if you volunteered to help organize at least one of the room parties for your student(s), please come get the information and meet the other parents for your class.

After the packets are handed out, we'll have a time for parents to ask questions and give ideas for room parties.

If you have not turned in your form and/or $3 to your teacher yet, please do so immediately - we would really appreciate it! CASH ONLY, PLEASE!

A letter to the organizing parents will be going home very soon with this same information. If you have any questions about the Round Table, please don't hesitate to contact Kasey Straatmann at 636.584.0596 or email her at

Monday, September 14, 2009

Circus Tickets Winner and Movie Night Success!

For an attendance prize at the Movie Night, the Kiwanis gave the CWP 4 tickets to the circus! Gavin Mendez, Kindergarten, won the prize. Yeah, Gavin! Also in the picture is Mrs. Griefe, teacher and Kiwanis member, and Tyann Marcink and Valerie Howland, CWP supporters.

Don't forget to order your circus tickets with the order form that came home with your student last Friday - for every ticket that sells through the school, the CWP receives $1 to use towards the fun family activites that we're planning for this year!

We had an awesome turnout at Movie Night last Friday! Thank you to all the families who attended. And special thanks to Traci Canby and her crew for organizing the event, as well as our sponsors Pepsi, 7up, Great 8 Cinema, and McDonald's of Union.

Everyone had a wonderful time, every bit of popcorn was eaten, and clean up was finished in 10 minutes - wow! We look forward to possible having another Movie Night in the spring since this was such a success.

Next event is the Fall Festival, scheduled for Friday, October 23rd, at the school. We plan to have games, face painting, a cake walk, and even a teacher's pumpkin carving/decorating contest. We'll need lots of help with this, so contact Donnie Schuttenberg at today to lend your assistance!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

September Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order by Tyann Marcink at 6:10 pm at Central Elementary.

Tyann opened the meeting by introducing herself co-chair, Tinicea Schuttenberg co-chair, Amanda Bequette secretary, and Julie Duvall treasurer.

Dr. Stephens said hello and stated that this meeting had the biggest turn out from any other meeting.

Tyann went over how the CWP blog worked and what information would be posted on it. Items likes meeting minutes, meeting dates, activities, activity dates, activity chairs, and many more items.

Tyann also stated that the first CWP newsletter went out with the students and said that all newsletters will be sent home with the children each month. The letters will be printed on red paper so parents will know that it is from the CWP. These letters will be sent out on Fridays per the teachers requests.

Tinecia talked about the TREND program. We would like to have them come to our CWP meetings and provide a daycare like setting to watch our children during the meetings. This will help us run the meetings more smoothly and also help the club get their required volunteer time.

Amber Eads spoke regarding the CCT and room parents. CCT will not be picking the room parents. It was decided by both the teachers and CWP to have the teachers pick the parent(s). Amber will update the form so that it will resemble the new CWP and not the old PTO and hopefully the parents will look at it more carefully. On September 15, at 6:00 pm the CWP will get together and put the room parents packets together.

Dr. Stephens talked about the field trips for this year. The field trips are picked by the teachers and not the CWP. The field trips will align with the class curriculum.

Julie went over the budget. We have around $6,200 to work with until our Signature fundraiser is complete. It was decided that we will give each grade $5.00 per student to cover costs of the field trips. We will adjust the number of students as needed for each grade level.

The teachers will still be getting $125.00 per teacher to help with classroom items from the CWP.
Tracy went over movie night. It will be on September 11, 2009 at Central Elementary. The movie is free, but movie goers can purchase snacks. The movie will be Everyone's Hero and the theme is baseball so all should wear their baseball attire.

Tyann mentioned that we should have someone to do the public relations regarding all activities that the CWP will be doing and Donnie Schuttenberg volunteered for this.

Nicki Voss stated that library volunteers are needed. The office and teachers also need help so anyone interested please call the school and talk with her.

We had a representative from the Kiwanis's club talk about the circus coming up October 11 and mentioned a easy way to sell tickets and raise money for the school. The CWP has agreed that this would be a great way to raise money.

Donnie talked about the new fundraiser for Central. It is called Signature and we will start selling Friday September 4. It will be a 50% profit on what we sell and the Signature company will take care of all the deliveries and have everything set up for our parents to pick up. The money due date will be September 23 and the pick up date for the items will be October 21.

Donnie also noted that he will be calling parents to start on getting the fall festival going.

There will be a trivia night January 23 and Tyann will be chair this event.

Tyann thanked everyone for coming and the meeting was over at 7:30 pm.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Preshow begins at 7 p.m., and the movie will begin at dark.

Wear your favorite baseball jersey and bring the lawn chairs! Come join us for a family movie night outside of school. We'll watch the animated Everyone's Hero on the big screen while munching on popcorn.

CWP will have popcorn and sodas for purchase, or bring your own snacks and drinks. Please, no alcohol or glass. Remember this is a family event - no drop offs. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

A special thank you to our sponsors: CWP, Great 8 Cinema, 7up, Pepsi, and McDonald's of Union!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Standing Room Only!

Yes, it was! Thank you to all the parents and teachers who attended the CWP meeting Tuesday night. It took a very long time to push through all of the items in the agenda, but we made it before 8 p.m. and survived. Thank you for your patience and for participating in the meeting. We received many wonderful ideas that we are moving forward with!

Please look for the minutes of the meeting to be posted on the blog soon. If you can't wait, feel free to give any parent involved with the CWP a ring on the phone.

We'll see you at Movie Night!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Meeting Agenda for September 1st

Following is the agenda for our September 1st meeting. We encourage all parents to attend and be a part of CWP!

September 1, 2009
Meeting Agenda

Explanation of Communication Tools (Blog, Forum, and Facebook) - Tyann Marcink
Update on TREND providing childcare – Tinecia Schuttenberg
Update from CCT on room parents and parties – Amber Eads
Update on field trips - Teachers
Financial update – Julie Duvall
Update on Movie Night and pass out sign-up sheets for concessions – Traci Canby
Need volunteer for Public Relations (press releases and photo ops) - Tyann Marcink
Need library volunteers - Dr. Stephens
Kiwanis Circus – Tyann Marcink
Signature Fundraiser – Donnie Schuttenberg
Update on Fall Festival and pass out sign-up sheets – Donnie Schuttenberg
Holiday Boutique sign-ups and need a chair(s) - Tinecia Schuttenberg
Trivia Night sign-ups - Tyann Marcink
Open question and answer

Sunday, August 30, 2009

September Newsletter

The CWP September Newsletter went home with students last Thursday. In case you did not receive it or have misplaced it, here it is (just click on the image, and you will see the full version as a pdf)!

Don't forget to come to the meeting Tuesday night at 6 p.m. We would love to have you there!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Anticipation has Only Just Begun

Tomorrow school officially begins for our students! Whether the anticipation has them ecstatic, nervous, or frightened, the teachers and staff at Central Elementary are ready to embrace each student at the door and welcome each one into the Central family.

Throughout the year, keep an eye on the CWP blog for posts from not only the CWP on upcoming activities, but posts from Principal Stephens, Vice-Principal Assarah, and Secretary Nickie Voss with important information. If you haven't already, sign up for posts by email. Just enter your email address at the left and press "subscribe."

We're quite excited about all of the activities we have planned this year, including a Movie Night, Fall Festival, Trivia Night with Teacher Auction, and more. If you are interested in helping us out, please sign up here and then join the planning forum. We need help from many, many parents to make these activities something the students will talk about for months and months.

The CWP and Central Elementary are looking forward to seeing you at school and all of the fun activities this school year!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

CWP Calendar

A bit about the CWP calendar...
  • Click on an event, and it will give more information for it. You will also have the option of automatically adding it to your personal calendar if you use Google calendars.
  • Bookmark this particular post and refer back to it when you need to look up a date.
  • Do you notice something we forgot to add to the calendar or a see a mistake? Please don't hesitate to let us know so we can correct it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Features of the CWP Blog

The CWP Blog is the “go to” place for all information on the CWP activities, so be sure to bookmark it right away. The blog has many features to help everyone to stay up-to-date with what is going on in our efforts to make Central Elementary and our children’s educations excel.

First in the left column is a place to subscribe to all of the blog posts. By entering your email address and pressing “Submit,” you will automatically receive emails when a post has been published on the CWP blog. We may also use the subscriber list to send out important emails.

Below that is a list of important posts that you may want to refer to for general information. You can also access posts using the search box and the archives.

Next is the Facebook application. With a single click, you can become a fan of CWP on Facebook. Blog posts will also be posted on the CWP fan page, which will then show in your newsfeed on Facebook.

Last on the left side is the CWP parent volunteers. The number of parents posted on the blog page is limited so that the blog is not overwhelmed. To see the entire list of parents and their contact information, just click the link below the names. You can also click here. The same page has a place to submit your information and to volunteer to help with upcoming activities.

On the right column, the first thing is our request for parent volunteers. We can’t stress enough how much we love to have more parents help with CWP and the activities. We know every parent has a strong desire for the best education for their child, and the CWP’s purpose is to achieve the best education for Central Elementary students. Just follow the link to the parent list and fill out the short form to let us know you want to volunteer. (Please note that the parent list does not update automatically when you submit your info.)

After that is a search feature for the blog. If you are looking for specific information, type in a keyword or two, and this will search the blog for the info you are requesting.

Next is the CWP calendar. Click on it and it will show all of the current dates and deadlines for activities. If you have Google calendar, just click on an event, and then you can automatically add the event to your personal calendar. (How sweet is that?!)

If you have an idea or suggestion on how to improve the blog and communication or know of another cool widget that we absolutely need to add, please do not hesitate to let us know. You can submit a comment to this post or email or call any parent involved with CWP. We would like to be able to respond to your ideas, so if you respond with a comment on the blog, please be sure to sign in with an email address and not post anonymously.

The CWP blog is a wonderful tool that will assist the CWP in passing along information to all parents who are interested. We are dedicated to being a fantastic organization for parents and teachers to further enrich our children’s educations.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Welcome everyone. My name is Amanda and I will be posting minutes and other forms of information during the school year. Please read regularly to see what items are new. In the next few days I will be posting the July 29, 2009 meeting minutes.


Now on Facebook!

Central Wildcat Pride is now on Facebook. Receive CWP updates directly in your newsfeed when you are a fan. Become a fan right now!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Welcome to the new CWP!

Welcome to the brand new blog for the awesome Central Wildcat Pride! The CWP is organizing exciting activities throughout the year for the Central students, and this is the place to find all of the information.

Just a few of the things that will be regularly posted:

  • upcoming events
  • requests for volunteers
  • deadline reminders
  • contact information
  • meeting dates and times
  • minutes to meetings
  • and more
We invite all parents to attend meetings, volunteer for activities, and to get involved. The CWP wants to make Central Elementary an even better school for our children.

So add the Central Wildcat Pride blog to your favorites and check back often!

Tyann Marcink